Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pathetic Little Piggies

Games WOD #5
5 ‘cleans’ 100#
10 T2B (toes to bar) 
15 wall balls - 14#

*** Side note - T2B = hang from pull-up bar and pull feet above head to touch bar simultaneously.  Sounds easy?  You fucking try it.

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

Yeah, no big deal.  Right?  This was my frame of mind prior to the 5:00 pm hour of humiliation tonight (WOD time).  I kept thinking... it’s no big deal that I’ve never managed a T2B.  Everybody makes them look easy.  Just swing and get your toes to the bar.  Piece of fucking cake.  
Well, it didn’t go down that easy.  Story of my fucking CrossFit career.  Somewhere in my (once again) delusional mind I figured T2B would miraculously come to me in my moment of elite athleticism tonight.  I watched everyone closely in the workout, as if to learn via osmosis.  I simply downloaded the material via visual aide and was set to complete at least 5 rounds in my 20 minute time allotment.
I complained myself through the warm up.  I felt like ass.  In the class of 30+ people I hear the trainer single me out - “Ashley, fucking c’mon” as I lay there lifeless on the floor.  God knows if it weren’t for my monthly membership fees that guy would be over my sorry ass.  Not a great start.

After warm up we were separated into two groups, “Games Athletes” and “pathetic, scaling, newbies.”  I WAS a Games Athlete!  I even got to stand next to the two girls who weren’t going to suck at this (Shout out to Leah and Sam).  For a moment I thought that someone might pass their eyes across me standing there and actually think I belonged.  I felt GOOD!  (Notice that there is a theme of delusions of grandeur prior to humbling... ass whooping...)
I was in the second heat.  Might I mention that the trainer started the clock when I was in the bathroom.  I’m just that fucking important that he didn’t even wait for me to take my position.  I scrambled to my bar, my scoring judge (Corin) was nowhere in sight either.  Two people obviously thought I was important enough to keep an eye on!  
The five cleans were a piece of cake because I am a burly beast in the weight lifting department (in case you were doubting).  The T2B were another story.  I hung from that fucking bar... attempting time after time... watching people in the “pathetic, scaling, new-bee” class lap me, again, and again, and again.... and again.  I tried every grip, every bend.  No matter what I did my little piggies were just too pathetic to make it over head.  Corin was kind enough to view the process from a distorted angle and counted 10 reps.  But, let’s be fucking honest... If that man doesn’t make me feel good about myself, he has a sex life to lose.  Cheating seemed inconsequential.  


  1. The first time I did a workout with real ttb, I started crying a few minutes into the workout and didn't stop crying until well after it was over. Elizabeth was beside me crankin' them out and then running around the building. While I stood on the box and tried them one at a time, failing on most of my attempts.

    Yesterday I watched a bunch of people do them and some got their toes to the bar and some didn't. Nobody cried, they all just got a workout. I'm starting to realize you can have a competitive mind (I've plenty of those delusions of grandeur too) and not a competitive body.

    The competition atmosphere is great for a lot of things, but don't let it get you down. It's okay, you don't have to be good at everything. If you're pushing yourself, you're getting stronger and accomplishing something important.

    /end lecture :)

  2. You're funny Amy! I actually laughed through it. I knew my games career ended there. Not that I was a contender but it was nice to at least stay in the competition. I'm not going to bother submitting a score this go around. I was a bit down on CF last night. So much time and effort and I can't get a fucking T2B, but whatever! One of the MANY things I need to work on. Plus... if I didn't suck this much I wouldn't have anything to write about!

  3. Wait I just realized you forgot to mention the clipboard...! FYI, since the T2B's were hard I held up a clipboard for Ash to aim for as a target to just do knee raises, she brought her legs up so hard and fast she snapped the clipboard in two sending it flying out of my hand...

  4. Great. I got some mean K2C. I fell marginally weaker after that comment. ;0)

  5. Today Mike told me that I always compared myself to whoever was best at something. I never realized that, but definitely not the smartest plan for the old self esteem. If I ever get back to CF, my plan is to compare myself to whoever is WORST at an exercise, then revel in my ability to keep up with them.

  6. You should come to MBS... work out with me... and you'll feel GREAT!!!!! We'll T2B together! ;0)
