Saturday, December 8, 2012

Norman Fucking Rockwell

Am I the only parent that finds the "decorating the tree" night one of the most stressful nights of the year? Shit everywhere. Kids bitching. Ornaments breaking. I mean really, am I the only person who has, and is inducing, PTSD in my family around this event?

My OCD ass wasn’t able to attend the ceremonious tree picking today (God knows, a girl's cut and color is more important).  Without intense parental guidance my three kiddos brought home a tree that even Charlie Brown would cringe at.  As the day went on the boxes of Christmas bullshit piled into the living room.  Every year I lie to myself and swear I’m going to organize this shit.  After the exhaustion of the holiday it’s more of a “fuck it” approach as I sloppily cram irreplaceable collector ornaments into bins.

As the “mom” it’s my job to organize the shit out of this event and make it look like Norman Fucking Rockwell.  The night starts with a simple pep talk to the kiddos explaining the severe ramifications of not looking happy as I paparazzi the event with my keen eye so I can post that shit to social websites and look like supermom.  My youngest, who has turned “pissing Mommy off” into an art form quickly decides he no longer wants to participate.   The older boys take on the delicate task of adding lights to the tree.  Otherwise known as “Throw that shit at the tree and light it.”  This results in a clump of colored lights in one corner and half lit white lights clumsily thrown across the top.   After a few deeps breaths and understanding that they have the decorating talent of toddlers we move forward with the ornaments.  That’s when shit starts getting real.  I can always count on at least one ornament breaking and it’s usually the oldest and most valuable.  Half way through the process my husband finds me hiding in the kitchen with a bottle of wine (I’d go for shots but shit... I’m breast-feeding).  Then comes dinner.  I, of course, spent the day in the kitchen making our traditional meal for this blessed event. 


As the kids start complaining we remember we have to feed them more than once a day.  Blackjack Pizza is on speed dial. Our kids and our relatives visiting from China get pizza for the second night in a row. “Fuck it, order enough for breakfast too.”  Fucking genius: two meals in one.

Last year my blood pressure what so high at just the thought of going to the tree farm my husband fed me a pot brownie left over from a friend’s party.  (I can say that shit now that it’s legal… well, in a few weeks.)  That was the best fucking night ever.  My husband asked me to trim the tree so it would fit in the living room.  He wanted about six inches off the top… three feet later I was in hysterics.  Never ask a stoned moron to do hedge work.  That was one fucked up looking tree and it was the funniest thing EVER.  Kids didn’t quite understand but someday they’ll figure it out. 

So, Christmas 2012.  Boo fucking yah.  I had the pleasure of informing my delightful children that Santa is a sham this year.  Since that façade is no longer necessary I think gift cards are in order and mommy is going to spend this month on her fat ass keenly awaiting the arrival of 2013.

Merry Fucking Christmas.